Monday, December 6, 2010

Haifa and Acre (Akko): Baha'i Shrine and Gardens

The more pacifist amongst yourselves will perhaps have heard of the Baha'i religion. It is the world's newest religion (not to be confused with the constantly appearing kidney-snatching bible belt sects) which started in Iran (where else would it start, right?) by this gentleman called Baha'u'llah in the late 1800's.  He was imprisoned for his beliefs and exiled to Akko in Palestine which was meant to be an extremely manky, harsh environment. Long story short, Baha'u'llah turned out to lead a biologically and mentally fruitful life in Akko having produced fourteen children and many more works on the Baha'i faith whilst under house arrest in this prototype of my future house:
Baha'u'llah's house arrest crib in Akko

 Among the things the Baha'i faith teaches are a universal god, acceptance of all religions, the unity of the human race, Peace with a capital P, and intensely well maintained gardens. Since Baha'u'llah declared mount Carmel (present day Haifa, Israel) the center of the Baha'i faith this is what has become of it: 
The hanging gardens of Haifa. How despicably well maintained.

The avid gardening didn't stop there. If gardening is your thing, you probably shouldn't look because your yard will never look this good. The secretary-general of the Bahai faith Mr. Albert Lincoln and his wife Barbara kindly showed us around the Baha'i community center in Akko (accessible only to Baha'i followers). Soo...Versailles, eat your heart out.

Place was riddled with prototypes of my future house

Mmm sunset

So apparently there are over 5 million Baha'i worshippers around the globe, and the number is growing steadily. Since Baha'i is basically a combination of all world religions and accepts people from all faiths, you should probably convert asap. You get to visit the gardens!

So as an end note I will leave you with this question: is there such a thing as a TOO well maintained garden? Discuss!

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